What made you decide to come and work in Oz?
The new experience, change of lifestyle, culture and the weather, definitely the weather.

What are you doing?
I’m currently working for Macquarie Bank as a Fund Accountant in Sydney CBD. I started off temping but have now gone full-time.

Where do you think you’ll head next?
Who knows. I certainly don’t!

What work experience did you bring to Australia?
Everything from a fund accountant to a carpenter, via a bartender and a greenkeeper!

How does your job in Australia compare to any jobs from back at home?
I worked for a small company back home, so the job culture in a big organisation is very different. But the same demands and deadlines exist.

What’s the pay like?
It’s better than I was getting in Ireland… and the beer’s cheaper here than in Dublin.

What’s the best work advice you’ve ever received?
Never fish off the company wharf…

Any advice for travellers considering your job?
Bring as many references as possible, have an updated CV, and stop off in Asia for some cheap quality suits.