Leading the charge in this avant-garde field of veterinary science is 36-year-old Doug Kramer who felt it was his “duty” to speak out about the regenerative effects marijuana had had on his ailing Siberian husky. 

“I grew tired of euthanising pets when I wasn’t doing everything I could to make their lives better,” he told Bigpond News.

He claims that marijuana had a very positive effect on his dog who had been suffering pain from the effects of surgery. Not only did the dog stop whimpering, but she started eating, gaining weight and meeting him at the door again.

Kramer claims that it gave him an extra “six or so weeks” with his beloved animal before he was finally forced to put it down.

Kramer’s methods have been supported by his clients, with Laura Bugni-Daniel saying that after “two years” of watching her beloved bulldog “constantly throwing up and lying in pain” the 12-year-old animal now plays as if it were a puppy again.

Detractors though point to a University of Colorado study conducted between 2005 and 2010 which saw some dogs suffer adverse affects to marijuana overdoses.

While two dogs with pot in their system died in the Colorado survey, hallucinogenic reactions may make dogs wobbly on their legs, raise their pulse and cause dribbly urine, said Dr Karl Jandrey.

My dog already eats enough without taking any of Dr Kramer’s ‘magic cheese’, I shudder to think what the food costs would be if he was to actually to start greening up.

Image: Getty