The book, Revolting Rhymes, has outraged certain parents, and they took to Aldi Australia’s Facebook page to complain.
A spokeswoman for the company confirmed that it had been taken off the shelves.
“Aldi Australia would like to inform all of our customers that we take the concerns from the community seriously,” she said.
The book of poems, first published in 1982, is hugely popular with Dahl fans – and the Aldi Australia Facebook page is currently inundated with indignant readers.
The posts include gems such as ‘Can I buy Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes? Oh that’s right, Aldi censors it. Boycott Aldi’s until Dahl is reinstated,’ and ‘When did you become the moral censors for what we are and are not allowed to read? I want to read Roald Dahl!’
Can Aldi be swayed? Watch this space…
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