Scientists, academics, police and other experts on drugs are in support of the view to legalise drugs. A reports conducted by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC) explains that we should decriminalise the usage of small amounts of drugs.

The independent drugs body believes that instead of putting criminal sanctions on people, society should give people using drugs, such as cannabis, civil penalties instead, and enforce attendance in drug awareness programmes and fines.

Another argument for decriminalising drugs is that it will undermine illegal traders and organised crime.

The UKDPC is not in favour of legalisation, as this could cause a significant threat to society.

The controversial proposal from the (UKDPC) is backed by some big names including former British Medical Research Council head Prof Colin Blakemore and ex-chief inspector David Blakey.

It’s believed that current drugs policies and laws have failed to work.

In the UK 42,000 people are convicted for drugs possession each year. 160,000 people are also given warnings every year.

The nation also has 2,000 drug-related deaths per year and an estimated 380,000 people taking drugs each year that cause ‘problems’.

The users that don’t cause ‘problems’ often go unreported, and the recent UKDPC report claims that regular drug takers who do not cause problems are not part of the policy making equation:

“Taking drugs does not always cause problems,” explains the report, “but this is rarely acknowledged by policymakers. In fact most users do not experience significant problems, and there is some evidence that drug use can have benefits in some circumstances.”

The report claims that £3b a year is spent on drugs-related policy that doesn’t work and a fresh approach to the problem should be considered.

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