Trying to beat the system there – at least in New South Wales – could cost you a fortune. A $110,000 fine, to be more precise.

With smartphone apps such as Uber driving the idea of making a few quid by charging fellow travellers for a lift, it appears there may be an expensive catch.

The NSW transport department has issued a warning saying, “such services must be provided in a licensed taxi or hire car” driven by “fit and proper persons”.

It goes on: “A person who carries on a public passenger service in breach of the Act may face prosecution and fines of up to $110,000.”

However, it hastens to add that “these laws do not apply to … a group of friends sharing expenses”.

We’re assuming that exception doesn’t carry the “fit and proper person” proviso. So, you being you, can carry on with that road trip you planned across the God-given territory that’s our first state with your mates chipping in for the gas.

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