John Graham Kerlen has posted a number of tweets criticising Bexley Council, one of which showed an image of a councillor’s house and the question: “Which c*** lives in a house like this. Answers on a postcard to #bexleycouncil.”
He also appeared to encourage fellow tweeters to post excrement to the house, writing: “Please feel free to post actual shit.”
Kerlen was arrested after the councillor in question made a complaint to police. Greenwich magistrates have now convicted Kerlen for his “grossly offensive and menacing” tweet.
He now faces a potential custodial sentence of up to six months. A spokesman for Bexley Council said: “The council is of the view that Kerlen’s actions went beyond the limits of what is both acceptable and reasonable in terms of freedom of expression.”
Many Twitter users have posted in favour of Kerlen, using the hashtag #freethebexleyone.
He will be sentenced on May 9.
Picture: Getty