The demand for mobile games and applications is quite high in the market nowadays, especially with the widespread popularity of platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, and various other generic mobile OS’s. In short, as more and more smartphones and tablets occupy the market, the demand for such games and apps will always be on an upward slope, and climbing.

The demand being so high, various companies come face to face with an aggressively serious situation – a genuine lack of skilled application and mobile game developers, who actually know how to help their companies win the race with the perfect apps and games. But this lack of skilled developers has opened new opportunities for all those IT students and professionals, who aspire to make a name for themselves in the field of mobile app and game development. According to research, the net sales figure pertaining to mobile games and apps is around USD 6 billion, and is expected to rise even more. So you can clearly understand how valuable an aspirant app developer is to any company.

As we stated earlier, the sales figure of mobile apps is quite high. But who is actually responsible for such financial figures? The answer lies in job portals and consultancies, such as, which provide these companies with some of the best app and game developers in the industry. According to studies, these career development firms have led to an increase of more than 300% in the total number of Android application developers, thereby balancing out the demand supply equation. The figure is more than 200% for iOS app developers, which suggests that developers prefer to work on any and every platform, if given the chance. The study also suggests that thanks to such firms and consultancies, the “mobile app development” career segment is growing bigger and better every year, and that too in a much better way than any other line of work or profession.

Not only tech companies, almost each and every company and service provider, belonging to each and every genre and field of work, is in search for qualified and skilled mobile app developers. Apps are the new thing nowadays, with smartphones being in almost everyone’s pockets. No company can simply hope to get ahead in the game, without an app or a game on the app store, viz., Google Playstore or iTunes Store. For this very reason, the need for these developers is on an upward scale and growing. Companies also require mobile apps and games to maintain a healthy social media presence, which is of extreme importance in this day and age. Mobile marketing, as well as drawing in a number of smartphone users as potential clients and subscribers is the life and soul of every company nowadays and that is where mobile apps and games come into the picture. Without these applications and games, exposing a brand to the public and making it a household name is in no way possible.

So if you have a need for skilled mobile app developers, then look no further. Get on a search engine and search for a company like LeoVegas that helps promote and nourish app and game building and developing talents in the best possible way. Some schools and colleges may have short term courses on these very topics, for the purpose of making their students ready for the real world, but what you require is a professional touch to everything, even in the attitude of the developer. So if you are such a person, then such a career development consultancy is your best choice.