My job involves…Overseeing the day-to-day operations of Porky’s BBQ. I work closely with the managers of all sites (Camden, Bankside and a third site opening in Boxpark at the end of October) in order to drive the business’s sales and keep costs to an appropriate level. I also meet regularly with the owners, Joy and Simon Brigg, to discuss planning, direction and coordination of general restaurant operations.

I got my job by…Starting as a part-time waitress (while I studied pharmacology at university) at Joy and Simon’s first restaurant at the age of 19. I realised that even with my degree, this was the career for me. I wanted my own restaurant and I knew that Joy and Simon could help me achieve this by giving me the experience and knowledge I needed. I worked my way up to my current role by putting in time and effort, being aware of my future goal and making my employers aware of my ambition.

My day-to-day work includes…Travelling around London, visiting each of the sites, having meetings with the managers, looking at sales and costs, and meeting with suppliers to ensure we always have the best quality and prices. I also spend time observing the restaurants to ensure our high standards of service are maintained at all times. This can include creating new dishes with our chefs, maintaining our high hygiene standards and ensuring quality and consistency throughout.

The most rewarding part of my job is…Difficult to pinpoint. There are so many; it’s a great job! One of the highlights is when I am in one of the restaurants and it’s really busy, with all the staff working together as a team and enjoying their job, and seeing this being transferred to the customers. This then translates into healthy end of week sales! Then the next week will start with a new challenge. One rewarding project was the recent launch of beer pong nights at Bankside on Thursdays. They always have a great turnout a create a really fun atmosphere in the restaurant.

The most challenging part of my job is…Probably working with a team that is spread across London, being able to communicate with them all and ensuring consistency across sites so that the Porky’s BBQ image is at its best!

My advice for anyone looking to get into this industry is…Start at the bottom and work your way up. It’s an industry where you learn the most by being in it. Always strive for the next position up and push your manager to show you every aspect of each role you do.