❚ England footballer Wayne Rooney is said to have paid £1200 for a seedy liaison with vice girl Helen Wood in Manchester last year – while his wife, Collen, was pregnant. The dirty dawg.

❚ An off-the-rails Charlie Sheen (left) thought nothing of splashing £315,000 on hookers and drugs last year when his urges to party became uncontrollable.

❚ R&B singer D’Angelo was allegedly stung for trying to pay £25 for sex with an undercover cop who posed as a prostitute in New York in 2010.

❚ Hugh Grant infamously paid £37 for oral sex from Hollywood streetwalker Divine Brown in his BMW in 1995. He was busted after cops noticed his brake lights repeatedly being pressed.


Different kind of sale
Lovers of things quirky and curious, visit the Alternative Bring and Buy sale for goods to suit your look and lifestyle: goth, punk, fetish, cyber, or just weird. Bring your own unwanted pieces – fashion, accessories and music – or sift though everyone else’s. The sale is on April 22 at Tufnell Park.
Web: alternativebringandbuy.co.uk

Cheap calls abroad
Avoid being stung by pricey roaming charges with the Vyke Abroad app. When wifi is available, you pay only the cost of the call (from 1p a minute, or texts from 4p), and when making a data connection, charges are reduced by up to 97.2 per cent.
Web: vyke.com

Get more tax back
Tax-free allowances rose last week. But millions of people still don’t claim enough back because their tax codes are wrong – so make sure yours is right. Yes, it’s boring, but it might give you an extra hundred quid.
Web: hmrc.gov.uk/incometax


%TNT Magazine% SHEEN2

Polly Kaur, 30
Job Media PR
From Birmingham
Lives Wandsworth

How do you budget?
After deducting my rent, bills, travel, savings and overdraft, my final wage (what’s left of it) is the money I can spend. I have two bank accounts; the first is my main account happily clearing my overdraft, and the second is my personal spending account, where I’ve set up a weekly standing order from my first account.

Any money-saving tips for life in London?
Use mysupermarket.co.uk to compare grocery food prices.

Last big blow-out?
I’m going through a serious health kick, so I walked into my local organic health food store. Twenty minutes later, I was £80 poorer, but far healthier!

What non-essential items do you buy?
I’m addicted to buying DVDs at the moment; I could open my own video shop!