The cloud has been created by Bompas & Parr from spirits and mixers and made using powerful humidifiers to saturate the air. Alcohol enters the bloodstream through the body’s lungs and the eyeballs (it doesn’t hurt). Everything else will be protected by a suit.

The alcohol in the air reduces vision to less than a metre, it is necessary as high humidity enhances flavour and effect. By breathing in the cocktail, it will bypass the liver, but allow you to feel the same effect. So perhaps a healthier way to get drunk?

Keith Davis, managing director of Borough Market, said: “We’re always interested in partnerships that explore food and drink experiences in innovative and interesting ways. We’re proud of our 1,000-year heritage but events like this continue to prove Borough Market’s relevance today.”

Tickets are available on They’re bound to sell out fast (the reason we’re advertising the event so early). Hour time slots are priced at £10 off peak starting 30 July (all Monday, all Tuesday, before 5pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays and before 4pm on Fridays) and £12.50 peak (Thursday after 5pm, Friday after 4pm and all day Saturday ending at 10pm).

Just in case you’re planning to get wasted, each visitor is limited to one hour entry per day.