The driver, who will not be named, refused to board the X78 from Rotherham to Sheffield, due to the fact it had a Stonewall gay rights slogan on the side of it.

The impactful slogan by gay rights campaigners reads “SOME PEOPLE ARE GAY. GET OVER IT!” and it has recently been splashed over the side of buses all over the country in a bid to make the public more accepting of homosexuality.

Commuters allegedly waited 20 minutes while the bus driver refused to do his shift on the bus and argued publically with colleagues and customers.

Commuter Rebecca Neill, 25, from South Yorkshire saw the whole thing, and was told by another member of staff that the driver complaining was a Christian.

“There were quite a few passengers arguing with him and several drivers as well. Someone was shouting at him: “You can’t do that, it’s disgusting,” explained Neill to the Daily Mail.

Later the next X78 bus rolled in and the aggravated driver got on this bus instead.

Neill continued: “I just thought it was disgusting. I would never say: ‘I’m not getting on your bus because you believe in God and I don’t,’” reported the Daily Mail.

1000 London Buses carry the same gay rights slogan to promote equal marriage.

Pictures: Stonewall