Fiji in 2-3 days

Day 1

Explore Suva, Fiji’s ‘new’ capital since 1882, taking in the sights of this vibrant harbour city built on a large peninsula with magic views of the south-eastern region of Fiji’s main island.

Day 2

If you are a keen hiker or nature lover, the Koroyanitu National Heritage Park is definitely worth a visit. Alternatively, visit the Singatoka Sandunes National Park on Viti Levu. This four-mile stretch of windswept coastal sand dunes is a protected environment managed by the National Trust of Fiji.

Day 3

Forget about land-based activities — it’s time to get wet! Spend the day tackling Fiji’s surf breaks or delve into the underwater world with a scuba dive on one of the country’s top-notch coral reefs.

In 7-9 days

Days 4-7

Set in deep blue waters with fringing coral reefs, the Mamanuca Islands and the islands of Nadi Bay are among Fiji’s best examples of natural beauty. Choose from one of the many resorts and while away the days surfing, swimming, fishing, hiking, fine tuning your tan or sipping cocktails by the pool side.

Days 7-9

Tick off the Kadavu Group, Fiji’s fourth-largest island group, which lies 100km south of Viti Levu. This is the place to renew your passion for diving — the most popular site is the 50km-long Astrolabe Reef, which encloses a lagoon containing a number of islands. If you haven’t scuba dived before, there are plenty of local operators to choose from. They’ll take you on a guided ‘resort dive’ or take you through the full course to obtain your dive ticket.

In two weeks +

With two weeks or more, you’ve got plenty of time to slip into the relaxed Fijian vibe and see plenty of the major attractions. If island hopping is your bag, visit the beautiful garden island of Taveuni in the Northern Group. This park offers three separate day hikes — Tavoro Waterfalls, Lavena Coastal Walk and Vidawa Rainforest Hike. Or you might like to visit the Yasawa Islands, home to a handful of backpacker resorts with plenty of fun in the sun and lively nightlife after dark.

Before you fly out of Fiji, spend a day checking out Levuka, the old capital, which has remained virtually unchanged since the turn of the century.