Her Royal Madgeness is being sued by Front National (FN) for using a picture of leader Marine Le Pen with a nazi swastika on her forhead during a show.

The daughter of former leader Jean-Marie Le Pen plans to sue Madonna for “public insult” according to The Guardian.
The controversial party raised enough votes to come third in the recent French elections.

“It’s understandable when ageing singers who need publicity go to such extremes,” Marie Le Pen said when the video was first aired at a Tel Aviv gig.

FN vice president Florian Philipot said “We cannot accept everything. We cannot accept this insulting connection. Marine Le Pen is defending her honour, but also that of party members and supporters and the millions of Front National voters.”

The video was shown during a performance of the song Nobody Knows Me. Watch the video below – blink and you’ll miss it…