Giant rats found in both Bradford and Lincoln have sparked fears that monster rodents are breeding in the UK.

Nothing like a few tabloid headlines to have everyone bricking it that a plague of giant rats is about to invade British borders.

Yesterday, The Sun the reported how a 30in ‘MONSTER’ rat was shot by “ratter” Brandon Goddard on Ravenscliffe estate in Bradford, West Yorks.

Goddard, who works as a cleaner and shoots rats in his spare time said:

“I’ve never seen any [rats] as big as this. The one I shot was absolutely terrifying. I was shaking.”

Goddard must be shaking even more today as headlines announce that two more horror rats measuring 30in (2.5ft) have been killed in Lincoln.

Pest firm Rentokil was called in to deal with the rats in Lincoln and a spokesman told The Sun: “They were both around 2ft and it’s fair to say that our technicians were very surprised at the size.”

However, pissing on everyone’s rat-invasion party, experts from the RSPCA and the Mammal Society suggested that the giant rats may actually be a South American rodent called a coypu, which is related to the porcupine and feeds on plants.

Coypu have been farmed in the UK for their fur and in the 80s the animals had to be culled after some escaped and caused damage in the countryside.

But being invaded by monster rats is much more fun, right?


Words: Frankie Mullin