One lesbian couple who chose to marry on the first day of legality, Tash Vitali and Melissa Ray from Auckland, had “changed the social fabric of communities” commented Reverend Matt Tittle during their wedding ceremony, according to
Reverend Tittle went on to state to the wedding guests: “The world is still a dangerous and even deadly place for gay, bisexual and transgender people. We thank God that’s not true in New Zealand. All love is holy.”
Lobby group Australian Marriage Equality said that around 1,000 Australian gay couples, as well as couples from Hong Kong, Russia and the USA, intend to travel to neighbouring New Zealand in order to marry, reported the BBC.
Aussies Paul McCarthy and Trent Kandler married at the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa, in Wellington
Australians Paul McCarthy and Trent Kandler married in Wellington.
“Being able to marry here as an equal citizen, even though we’re not citizens of this country, means we’re being viewed as equal – and that’s all we really want,” McCarthy told Reuters.
Main image: Natasha Vitali and Melissa Ray married in Auckland