I’ve learned that no matter where you are in the world us Aussies always manage to find each other!
Best cure for home sickness is having each other!
I Used Paint to perfect my picture as it brings me back to my school years when at Toukley Primary School NSW, computers were introduced when I was in grade 3 and we all got addicted to this wonderful program!!!
‘Home away from Home’ Includes all the good things you need to have a great Aussie party….
By using paint I managed to add to my picture 2 appearances by Kevin Rudd, a map of our beauiful island, double pluggers, vegemite jar and a tooheys new, redback spider, meat pie not forgetting the tomato sauce, an aussie rule footie, framed is our cuddly friends, wouldn’t leave the house without a hat to keep the flies away, the Australian flag is there and finally the boomerang has returned as well!!!