What’s the story?
”After eight hours’ hiking in Norway we got to Kjeragbolten, 984m above the waters of Lysefjord. The excitement and anticipation of reaching this iconic spot turned to ultimate fear, my legs shaking uncontrollably. My mate snapped this from an adjacent clifftop.”
Hanoi Rush
Wendy van Leeuwen, from Aalsmeer, The Netherlands
What’s the story?
“This is one of Hanoi’s busiest roundabouts. We were amazed by the cars, scooters, cyclists and pedestrians crossing simultaneously! I had many goes at capturing the craziness – I think this shot reflects it best.”
How to enter: Upload your travel pictures here or email them to hotshots@tntmagazine.com
First prize is a three-day tour of Scotland for two worth £218 from Haggis Adventures (haggisadventures.com). Must be taken within three months of receiving prize letter. The runner-up wins a £60 photography course voucher from Nigel Wilson Photography (photographycourses.org.uk).