In her book, The Girl With No Name, Marina Chapman recalls how she was drugged and abducted from her Colombian home at the age of four.
Mrs Chapman, now a grandmother, tells of how her kidnappers botched her abduction left her in the Colombian jungle where a colony of monkeys taught her how to survive, in a report by
After waking in the forest Mrs Chapman writes, “At a distance of several paces were monkeys staring at me. After a short time, one of the monkeys left the circle and approached me. Afraid, I shrank back into a ball, trying to make myself as tiny as possible”.
“He reached out a wrinkly brown hand and, with one firm push, rolled me over on to my side. I quivered on the soil, tensed for the second blow that was surely coming. But it didn’t”.
She copied the monkeys’ eating habits, high-pitched cries, learned how to climb trees and slept in a hallowed-out tree trunk.
She was later found by hunters and sold into prostitution before ending up in England and marrying.
Although many people have questioned the truth behind Mrs Chapman’s story, experts say monkeys are in fact known to accept human children into their pack.
Unfortunately she didn’t meet any talking wildebeest or meerkats on her adventures, might make her book worth reading.
Image: Getty