Kiwi expat Dylan Clements has filed a complaint with the New Zealand High Commissioner, Derek Leask, saying the behaviour during the event was an embarrassment to New Zealand.
About 4000 New Zealanders took to the streets on Saturday to celebrate Waitangi Day, moving from one pub to another.
Clements said he saw his compatriots urinating on public monuments, vomiting and throwing snow at tourists.
“I’m a proud New Zealander and I don’t want a small, few people making the country I call home look bad overseas,” he said.
“I didn’t see just one or two cases, I saw a large amount of cases.”
But those on the 13th instalment of the pub crawl say Clements is exaggerating.
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Helen Shaw posted on the Waitangi Day 2012 Pubcrawl Facebook page to express her disappointment.
“The crowd was about 2000 people, right?” Shaw wrote.
“And the worst thing that happened was loud swearing and peeing on Westmister Abbey … oh deary me how out of control we are.”
Nicole Dolamore was another unimpressed with Clements comments.
“To the egg who started all this negativity – I hope you are ashamed,” she write on the Facebook page.
“You have misquoted people, misrepresented the facts and got it wrong every step of the way. I hope that you see the outrage anduproar that you have caused and think twice before making such allegations again. Kia kaha kiwis – you rock!
London police were surprised by the complaint, saying officers actually looked forward to Waitangi Day celebrations in the capital because Kiwis were so friendly.
“We ask people to move on and stop doing stuff and they stop doing it,” Westminster Borough Inspector Bruce Middlemiss told
“During the day there were no arrests that I’m aware of, no fights or specific recklessness,” he said.
He said the event should remain, but suggested authorities needed ensure there were more toilets and rubbish bins next year.
However, Clements was determined that crowd’s behaviour marred New Zealand’s international reputation.
“I’m a travel agent. I see the campaigns that the New Zealand Tourism Board does – they’re spending millions of pounds on advertising campaigns when people here are seeing Kiwis drunk and pissed in the streets.
“Imagine if, back in New Zealand, thousands of Chinese people urinated down Queen Street after Chinese New Year celebrations – the public would, perhaps unfairly, view Chinese as disorderly, dirty, careless people.”