The ‘cool people only’ apartments block of flats aims to attract “a partner in one of the top ad agencies or an early thirties founder of a tech start-up,” according to 38-year-old House, who told the Evening Standard he wants to create a “micro-society…that is dynamic, social and fun”.

Presumably aiming to create the housing equivalent of a private members club like elitist’s haven Shoreditch House or creatives hub The Hospital Club, House said he’d like to attract “high profile people…a partner in one of the top ad agencies or an early thirties founder of a tech start-up.”

The first site for the new housing will be on Grape Street near Covent Garden.

“If you are an insurance broker and you’ve got four kids and a wife it is not going to be your sort of place,” House told The Standard.

Main image: Nick House and Beyoncé (via Twitter)