Here’s a flavour of the audience you’ll be reaching:
Young, active and passionate about travel:
- 75% are under 30
- 80% list travel as no 1 reason for coming to the UK
- 91% will take a holiday within the next 3 months
- 77% are interested in adventure tours
View TNT as an authority on travel
- 93% use TNT to obtain travel information
- 83% say TNT offers great travel advice
- Two-thirds consider TNT an important tool for planning travel
Rely on online media for travel choices:
- 93% read online reviews/recommendations when researching travel
- 90% prefer researching travel using online search and comparison sites
Like the personal touch
- 66% base their tour choice on recommendations from family, friends and other travellers
- Prefer to book tour directly with the tour operator.
*source: TNT reader survey, May 2009 and bugbitten online survey August 2009.