News of the World staff aimed some parting shots at their boss Rebekah Brooks in the paper’s final crossword.
Brooks who kept her job as while 200 News of the World staff lost theirs reportedly ordered two senior staff member to go through the final edition with a fine tooth-comb for possible jibes against her or News International.
But Brooks’ super-subs-editors failed to spot the clues in both the quickie and cryptic crosswords which appeared to contain veiled attacks on the News International chief executive.
The clues for the quickie and cryptic crossword "catastrophe", "stink" and "criminal enterprise.
Answers included "deplored", "stench", "menace", "racket", "desist" and "tart".
One clue which read "Woman stares wildly at calamity" seemed particularly barbed and seems to refer the the picture of Brooks staring out of a car window after the announcement that News of the World was to be shut down.
The answer to that particular clue is: "disaster".
Most of the newspaper however paid tribute to the tabloid’s 168 year history with the.front and back pages are covered with images of past exclusives and scoops, and a 48-page pull-out.
Profits from the edition will go to charity.
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