A re-energising massage in your office could make a huge difference if you are tightly wound as a result of your occupation.

In the UK, far too many of us are stressed out with our jobs and find it difficult to escape our work lives. If you check your phone for work-related email updates every evening, then that includes you.

It will be National Stress Awareness Day on Wednesday 5th November, and to celebrate this, The Cloud – a business of pop-up spas and therapists – is offering a massage special. For each booking that falls during National Stress Awareness Week, the company is offering an extra hour of massage for free.

The Cloud attends offices and workplaces to provide employees with massages lasting 10 minutes, for £10 per person. The pop-up massage spa will also give your team simple tips on maximising energy levels to help you work towards a more balanced and stress-free lifestyle.

If you think your colleagues could do with a treat then why not consider offering them a massage. Opting for a therapist might be the best idea to avoid making a name for yourself in the office! And that will give you the chance to get a relaxing back rub for yourself too.