The house is not the one the former most wanted man in the world met his grisly fate at the hands of an elite team of US navy seals, instead one he made his home in about 2004

Painstaking research by Brigadier Shaukat Qadir said bin Laden’s infamous dogsbody ‘The Courier’ was the man who sorted out all the legalities.

“It’s not very secluded but at this time he must have thought no one was looking for him in this sort of area. Anyway it was only temporary and after seven or eight months they moved on,” he said.

The house’s owner, Qasi Anis Ur-Rehman said the rent was paid about £100 per month at the time.

“When I visited I only went into the sitting room, no further,” he said. “I didn’t think that was odd because it is the custom when there are women somewhere else in the house.”

He said Save the Children rented it after thefamily  left.

The house is currently empty today and is back on the rental market for about £150.

It has three bright, airy bedrooms and a split-level terrace, half surrounded by a wall to protect the privacy of residents, fill the second floor.

Brigadier Shaukat Qadir said he was taken to the house by security officials investigating bin Laden’s movements through Pakistan as he evaded capture.

He has pieced together the family’s travels from the testimony of Amal Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, bin Laden’s youngest wife.

She told interrogators they frequently moved through the tribal regions before arriving in Shangla, a town in the Swat Valley about 80 miles north-west of Islamabad, in 2004.

Later that year they apparently arrived at the house in Haripur before arriving in Abbottabad in 2005.

Six years later the world’s biggest manhunt came to an end when US Navy Seals swooped in the dead of night, killing bin Laden, one of his sons, as well as The Courier and his brother.