Prosperity Pay provides bespoke umbrella solutions enabling self-employed workers and contractors to achieve a considerably higher net take home (85% is usually achievable), whilst reducing their administrative burden.
Our tax efficient solutions are tailored to your individual needs, whilst ensuring full compliance with UK legislation, in fact compliance is at the heart of our services. That is why we invest the majority of our time and financial resources in our solutions which are constantly reviewed by our in house legal team to ensure complete peace of mind for all our clients.
Prosperity Pay work with agencies as well as individuals and have helped thousands of contractors retain more of their income, our network of partners have assets in excess of £750M and over fifteen years experience. There are no set up or exit fees, we make same day payments and take care of all your paperwork from contract negotiation to payments and of course, end of year tax returns.
Prosperity Pay work with insurance and contractor mortgage providers along with a large network of accountants, and our pre-paid multi-currency cards are increasingly popular. Our experienced and qualified team will deliver a premium service and are always on hand to support you whenever you need them.
Prosperity Pay advise many different industry sectors, call us, enquire via our website or arrange a call back, on average calls take less than five minutes to find the best solution for you.
So get in touch today, we will review your existing arrangements for free and regardless of industry, day rate and circumstance we will provide a tailored solution that’s fits your individual needs.
We do not require registration for DOTAS and are not affected by GAAR, our products are outside IR35, MSC and AWR.
For further information:
E-mail –
Call – 0330 0885766
Quote ref TNT and receive £200 cash after three months continuous billing when you sign up for Ultimate Prosperity