This exhibition is open submission, which means that works by celebrated artists jostle for space with offerings from unknowns. This makes visiting something of a treasure hunt.

Move from Anselm Kiefer’s terrifying, ceiling-high mountain scene, which bleeds pigment like wounds, to a room where walls are choc full with smaller works. Here you’ll find Tracey Emin’s over-hyped doodles alongside Paula Rego’s brilliantly disturbing prints of crying women in chains.

You can’t physically miss David Mach’s enormous King-Kong, bristling with coathangers, but more fun is seeking out your own personal treasure from the crowded walls.

Personally, we think Tim Lewis’s tiny sculpted figure on a knife blade rocked it.

» Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1J 0BD
Tube: Piccadilly Circus
020 7300 8000
Jun 14–Aug 22