The land of fine chocolates, cuckoo clocks and even-tempered people was rocked earlier on this month when a parliamentary secretary was caught broadcasting rude pictures of herself from a Twitter account. 

The snaps were taken at the Federal Palace in Berne, and although the pictures are ‘private’, so she didn’t violate any rules, there’s still been a government investigation into ‘good faith obligations’ between staff and workers.

The saucy secretary isn’t the only one to be flashing her bits on camera; 53-year-old parliamentarian Geri Muller was suspended last week after he sent ‘nude selfies’ to a female friend on WhatsApp.

Mr Muller asked police to intervene after the woman threatened to go public, and kill herself.

Tony Abbott, if you’re reading this, take note – and please don’t get any funny ideas…

Image credit: Twitter