High school may be over for the thousands of teenagers celebrating on the Gold Coast, but that hasn’t stopped police from handing schoolies a glowing report card for their behaviour.

Three days into the annual end-of-school festival, police have praised this year’s attendees, with arrests down by almost a third over last year.

Fifty-two schoolies were arrested at the end of the traditionally rowdy first weekend, compared to 71 the year before.

Most charges related to public nuisance issues or drunken behaviour, but prolonged fights and all-in brawls – once hallmarks of the schoolies holiday – were becoming a thing of a past, police said.

Gold Coast District Superintendent Jim Keogh also said there had not been any reports of sexual or serious assaults that have troubled the schoolies event in the past.

He said early education about alcohol-fuelled behaviour had proven to be highly effective.

“We’re not seeing the intoxicated schoolie that we used to see many years ago,” Keogh told reporters on Monday.

“I think (schoolies are) just becoming better behaved all round.”

Supt Keogh also commended the actions of several schoolies who dobbed in a man allegedly taking inappropriate photos in the centre of Surfers Paradise.

The 58-year-old was arrested at Hanlan Street about 3am (AEST) after being spotted by schoolies and will appear in court next month on a charge relating to invasion of privacy.

As in previous years, it was the behaviour of “toolies” – older people gatecrashing the celebrations – that was to blame for much of the trouble caused in the party precinct.

Toolies made up the bulk of overall arrests – 195 out of 247 at the end of day three – more than four times as many arrests as those attributed to school leavers.

“A lot of the non-schoolies’ behaviour leaves a lot to be desired,” Keogh said.

Up to 35,000 schoolies are expected to attend the official 10 days of celebrations on the Gold Coast, ending November 30.

In other news, schoolies have been praised for dobbing in a man who was later charged with taking inappropriate photos during the end of high school celebrations on the Gold Coast.

A 58-year-old man, of no fixed address, will face court next month, after being charged with making a recording in relation to a breach of privacy.

Gold Coast police said the man was spotted by high school graduates as he took photos with a disposable camera about 3am (AEST) on Monday at Surfers Paradise.

He was arrested and charged and is scheduled to appear at Southport Magistrates Court on December 19.

The camera was seized. District Superintendent Jim Keogh would not comment on the subject of the photos, except to say the incident was concerning.

He praised the efforts of police and the teenagers involved in reporting the alleged offence.