Okay, so chances are it isn’t your favourite beer, but when we tell you the price of the event is £7.50 it soon will be.

A night out at the butcher’s shop probably hasn’t been right up there in your list of things to do, but this is no average butcher’s shop and no average night out.

Fresh from the Edinburgh Festival the comedians are taking over Broadway Market’s master gourmet butchers, Hill & Szrok for an intimate evening of hops and chops. We’re licking our lips at the mere thought.

The one night only ticketed event will take guests on a voyage of discovery, regaling the mystery of hops paired with platefuls of delicious chops, tenderloins and wings. Guests on the night will also wash down the history of beer alongside a King Cobra tasting.


Broadway Market’s master butchers, Hill & Szrok – E8 4QJ, 13 October 7pm – 9pm.