Are there barriers and glass ceilings that prevent you from moving forward?

For most of us, our glass ceiling is our own mindset and attitude. It holds us back from reaching for our full potential. It stops us from making the kind of impact we would like to make. And we don’t even realise that we’ve created it.

This is the time to do something about the limitations that you’ve imposed upon yourself. Whether it’s in your career, relationships or self development, it’s time to step up and break the glass ceiling. On Saturday, March 8, women will be joining forces at the London School of Economics for a series of short talks, reflective exercises, conversations and meditation.

When: March 8, from 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Where: London School of Economics, Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, 54 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, WC2A 3LJ

It’s free to attend, but you will need to register. Click here to book or call 020 7836 6688.