Lucy Prebble’s much lauded bells and whistles satire makes it easy to understand at least the basics behind the financial manoeuvres which made and (in 2001) finally destroyed the Texan energy giant.
You’ll still need to keep your wits about you, but Rupert Goold’s high voltage production racks up the entertainment quotient with conjoined Lehman brothers, Three Blind Mice stumbling on in suits, slickly choreographed routines and tickertape projections charting the inexorable rise and ultimate fall of Enron’s share price.
At the centre is Samuel West’s superb CEO, giving his CFO free rein to obscure the debts in endless shadow companies, and so obsessed with making profits that he even proposes trading in weather.
» Noel Coward, St Martin’s Ln, WC2N 4AU, (0844 482 5140; Until August 14. £12.50-£50.50