Every month the team plan more than 50 events and socials across the capital, providing opportunities to make new friends or even meet the one. All it costs is a bit of time on-line registering and a pound registration fee. Who said a quid couldn’t buy you anything in London?

With the launch of London 247 and all-night tubes, Thinking Bob has launched late night socials to suit the lifestyle of Londoners that like staying out late.  There are some exciting socials coming up across September and here’s a selection to wet your taste buds.

September 11th – Late Night London Spies

Thinking Bob will host its first Late Night London Spies event. A James Bond themed Spy adventure using an interactive app to guide teams around the streets at night. A race against the clock treasure hunt style game where members will interact with characters and use special black light torches to hunt out UV evidence.

September 12th – Midnight Stories of London

Late night story telling Jack the Ripper-style on the streets of London with City Improv – get under the skin of the goings on in the city as the dark streets unveil a story only to be experiences after hours.

September 18th – Up all-night board game club

Late night pop-up games night with pizza and late night cocktails with a party atmosphere.

September 19th – Secrets of the Underground Tour

Dark secrets of the underground exclusively for thinking bob members. Our expert guide will lead us on an after dark tour to reveal tons of interesting and unusual facts that not even the most seasoned of commuters will know.

September 26th – Midnight Murder Mystery

A special Las Vegas style murder mystery with after-hours suspense. We’ll keep you guessing on the rest.
