He’s proof that you don’t need to have studied journalism to break into travel writing. Rob is a regular contributor to the Sydney Morning Herald, Sun-Herald, Sunday Telegraph, The Guardian, San Francisco Chronicle, NZ Herald, West Australian, Luxury Travel, Let’s Travel & GQ magazines.

Rob regularly runs travel writing workshops in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. He can show you how to generate story angles, write compelling openings and closings, structure a feature, travel writing techniques, edit effectively, pitch to editors and exciting ways to be able to market yourself.

Rob will be running the following classes:

Sat Oct 31, 10am – 5pm, the Menzies Sydney, 14 Carrington Street, Sydney.

Sat Nov 7, 10am – 5pm, the Swanston Hotel Melbourne Grand Mercure, 195 Swanston St, Melbourne.

Sat Nov 14, 10am – 5pm, Pullman Brisbane King George Square, Brisbane. 

Check out http://robmcfarland.org for further details. 

We are always on the lookout for new contributors at TNT, so if you catch the travel writing bug drop me a line james.clark@tntmagazine.com