The video shows a six month-old boxer puppy confronting a group of cows whilst on a walk in the countryside. Normally, as has been proved with the recent Benton video sensation in which a dog chases a herd of deer into a road, this can be a recipe for disaster. However, things took a surprising turn for Lucy and her young pup.

To begin with the cows are nervous as the playful boxer bounces towards them.

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However, as the dog proves she’s not a threat by sitting down on the grass, the curious bovine beasts move towards her to inspect and sniff the new arrival.

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One appears to be particularly curious, possibly thinking the pup might be one of them – an extra small calf. Soon several members of the herd arrive to say hello, touching noses and smelling out the situation.

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The puppie’s owner, who posted the video on YouTube said it was “amazing to see the animals body language towards each other!” The video was filmed a year ago but only went viral online after being shown on a US chat show.

One animal lover has commented “See. Cows are cool, feeling animals.%uFEFF It’s a shame how we treat them.”

Are the animals communicating? Does it make you think twice about your next juicy steak or hamburger?
Watch the cute video below…