Four-year-old Tripp used the slur on Bristol’s reality TV series Life’s A Tripp, calling his aunt, Willow, a “faggot” after being told it was time for him to go to bed.

The two sisters try to suppress their laughter, instead of telling him off for using such an offensive term.

Many viewers went online to condemn the young boy’s language, musing on where he had picked up such a term.

Gawker writer Louis Pitman wrote: “Look, kids say the darndest things, and it’s kind of funny when a child curses. But there’s a difference between a precocious utterance of “fuck” and a homophobic slur. The complete lack of shame is especially embarrassing given that there were cameras filming it all – gay-friendly Lifetime [TV channel] cameras, no less.”

A gawker poster, omnipotentMLE, wrote: “The sad thing is, when you see that boy’s father, you realise he’s got a very, very sad life ahead of him. I’m going to suspect he’ll be injail by the time he’s 20.”

The Palin’s have form in this area. Two years ago, a 16-year-old Willow used a variety of homophobic slurs as she abused someone on Facebook who had criticised her mother’s failed reality show. The word ‘faggot’ was then used, too.

Tripp saying “faggot” to his mother Bristol… by dm_4ff036e446e60

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