Big laughs all round, yeah? Yeah.

Well, a clever little prankster from the Interwebs (possibly belonging to the band Go Periscope) had an idea, he was like: “I’m going to do the posing for photos video thing, except as opposed to do it to myself, I’m going to do it to other people, thereby making them look like vain muppets… I’m such a clever guys, a real prankster you might say.”

A real prankster indeed, and not only did he do just that, he put the video online so we could all laugh at his preposterously photogenic friends too.

But, in a way, the joke is on him, because he’s obviously the kind of person who takes his DSLR everywhere, including bars and on nights out, and at TNT we believe there is a special place reserved in hell for people who take DSLRs into nightclubs. A particularly malodorous, incessantly photographed, part of hell.