A music video by Ennui, sees the star being smacked around the chops and then burned alive. The strange and harrowing video sees the former-face of children’s TV being beaten up then taken to the woods and whacked with a baseball bat.

A bemused pat is danced with and cleaned up as the band play him an old cassette. At one point they make him wear a retro mullet wig.

The video ends with Pat being blindfolded, burned alive and the presenter’s body floating down the river.

The creepy video was envisaged by director Fabio Younnis, who under the YouTube video commented:

“We realise the violence in the video is strong, but it is there to make a statement.

“Everyone looks at the past with rose-tinted spectacles and we are challenging that.

“When we think about our childhood nostalgically, we think of a time of innocence,” he continues.

“Boredom never existed and summers would last forever, pop culture icons and cartoons were our religion.

“In ‘ENNUI’ we wanted to take these memories and drag them kicking and screaming into the bleak reality of modern day.

“We wanted to play sadistically with them to give them a new, warped meaning.

“Pat Sharp was always our first choice to star in the video. We grew up with him on Saturday morning TV; all of us held fond memories of him.

“He represents so much of what was fun about being young in the 80’s and 90’s.

“With his clean cut image and iconic haircut, he was the perfect candidate to help turn our happy memories into nightmarish reality.”

Picture: YouTube