Ever wanted to catch a flight to pastures new but couldn’t afford the airfare? An Australian Scrub Python came up with a novel idea that left passengers on a Qantas jet flying from Cairns to Papua New Guinea in a state of shock.

About 20 minutes into what was otherwise a normal trip, a female passenger spotted the 12ft scaly genius clinging to a wing – it was a real-life case of snakes on a plane, literally. However unlike Samuel L. Jackson’s 2006 fictional blockbuster in which a nest of vipers causes death and destruction on a jet, this snake was concerned with one thing, self-preservation.

Amazingly, when the plane touched down in Port Moresby, the animal had survived the distressing and freezing journey (temperatures at that height and speed go down as low as -12C).

It’s not known what happened since to the snake, which is thought to have got into a landing gear cavity to keep warm before the plane took off.

It is highly likely it was destroyed by Papua New Guinea quarantine officials.

Passenger Robert Weber told the Sydney Morning Herald: “There was no panic. At no time did anyone stop to consider there might be others on board.

“I felt quite sad for it really,’ he added of the life and death struggle for the snake.

Image via YouTube

Video: Contains scenes some might find distressing