However, it’s not people’s finances that are most to blame for a lack of holidays. Rather it’s their busy lifestyles and work commitments for the majority of those in need of a break.
The study was carried out by the team behind, as part of ongoing research into the holiday experiences of Britons. 2,906 people aged 18 and over from around the UK took part in the research and answered questions about the last time they’d been on holiday.
First of all, respondents were asked “Has it been three or more years since your last holiday abroad?” to which 31% of the people taking part said “yes.” The research then analysed which regions these people were from, revealing that the most ‘holiday-starved’ regions were as follows:
Wales – 33% (of the people who hadn’t been abroad for 3 or more years lived here)
London – 25%
Yorkshire & Humberside – 16%
North West – 13%
West Midlands – 9%
Anyone who hadn’t been on holiday abroad for three or more years was asked to explain why. The majority, 41%, blamed their “busy lifestyle/work commitments” for their lack of holidays over the years, while 32% blamed their finances and said they “couldn’t afford holidays.” 15% said that “raising a family'” had stopped them going on holiday for the last three or more years. 6% blamed their “fear or flying/unwillingness to travel”.
Those people who hadn’t been on holiday abroad for three or more years were asked how, if at all, it had affected them. 55% of the relevant respondents said that they felt ‘worn out’ as a result of not going on holiday abroad for that length of time, whilst 29% said they felt ‘fed up’. Only 3% of the relevant respondents said that they didn’t think not going on holiday for the last three years or more had affected them in any way.
Anyone who said that they hadn’t been on holiday abroad for the last three or more years, was asked when they thought their next trip overseas for a break might be. When all answers were taken into account, the most common timeframe stated was ’12 months’.