Set in 1940’s New York, during the heart of the Harlem Renaissance this story explores culture, community and lifestyle through the creative expressions of spoken-word, dance and monologues. It is a real celebration of art and diversity.

The story follows Poet as he returns to Harlem and instantly falls for a Kenyan sweetheart named Nairobi. Poet and his friend Jazz are on the corner of 110th street when he sets his eye on Nairobi for the first time. The story displays the unravelling of this blossoming romance against a backdrop of jazz, gambling and New York City!

Characters such as Langston Hughes (played by Solomon Adams) and the hugely talented and entertaining Pigfoot Mary (played by Adelaide Mackenzie) highlight their contribution towards the community as well as art. Add a live jazz band, another handful of original personalities and you may have some idea of what to expect!!

To be Performed as part of the Camden Fringe Festival in August 2016.

Review from Actors Temple

“As soon as we saw Jahmars writing our creative juices started flowing! We were really excited to get stuck in and explore the text with our actors. We found the writing to be every actor’s dream, easy to lift off the page, full of emotion and steeped in cultural and historical context. His writing takes you on a journey through love, poetry, jazz, music and dance! We learnt a lot from working with him and look forward to seeing the finished production!”

Review from Talawa

“An interesting story with great subject matter. It is experimental and playful with the mediums, a great idea.”

Poetry House

Poetry House is a production company based around a poetical lifestyle. It includes Spoken Word, Fashion, Photography, Film and Theatre. Priding itself on ‘Organic and Ethical, Creative Art. 10% of all profit will go directly to WaterAid.