8% of naughty Northerners were the most likely to have had a festive fumble at their work party, 825,000 lovestruck office workers are going to their Christmas party just in the hope of becoming closer to a colleague they fancy, and 11% of Brits intend to stay in paid for accommodation after the fun’s over (or even as it’s just beginning).

Next week is set to the the biggest week of the month for Christmas parties – 11 million will be taking place at pubs, restaurants and clubs across the land.

Not only are Brits seeking to overindulge in food and drink just because the company is paying, but a select number will also be using the Christmas party to start a disagreement, as over a quarter of a million Brits will be going to their work Christmas party with the sole aim of confronting a colleague.

If you’re worried an old grudge could be reanimated, steer clear of colleagues between the ages of 35-44, as this is the group most likely to seek out an argument with a fellow employee.

6% of people interviewed admitted to sleeping in a public place such bus stop or a train station after their work Christmas party, and over one million Brits have admitted to doing the notorious ‘walk of shame’ – going into work the next day wearing the same clothes from the night before. Classy stuff.