Prince Harry is a massive fan of X Factor and its star judge Cheryl
Cole, and is keen to meet the Geordie songstress face-to-face, the
Daily Mirror reports.

An insider told the newspaper: “Harry’s a huge fan of X Factor and watches it week in, week out”.

Luckily for the Prince, he and Cheryl have a friend in common, and Harry asked for the email address of Cheryl’s management.

“He fired off a series of missives, requesting time with Cheryl and some tickets to The X Factor,” the source continued.

after a ten-week process of trying to set up a meeting with the Girls
Aloud star, it finally seems Prince Charming has managed to have his
request granted.

 “Harry was due to attend a private showcase
but had to pull out at the last minute. So a visit to the Fountain
Studios in Wembley, where the show is filmed, has been arranged for him
instead,” the insider revealed.

The Prince was also spotted in
the audience at a show during last year’s X Factor series, accompanied
by his girlfriend at the time, Chelsy Davy.

The ginger Royal
is a now single man, but if you’re hoping for a happily-ever-after
ending, where the prince gets his pop idol, it probably won’t happen.

source explained: “Cheryl is massively flattered and naturally keen on
meeting the Prince. She might not be attracted to him but she thinks he
sounds like a really good guy.”


– Inger Smith