What is your first advice for anyone considering teaching in Australia?

My best advice is to contact an agency prior to arriving. They can assist with registrations and offer the best local advice. Select Education has offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.

What sort of qualifications and documents are needed to teach in Australia?

You need a Bachelor of Education/PGCE or equivalent to teach in schools. To be employed as a teacher, each state of Australia requires your qualifications to be accessed before gaining approval. Generally you need to submit a CV, your qualifications, transcripts, visa, passport, birth certificate and a current police clearance. However, you do not need a formal qualification to work in childcare, provided you have had some experience working with children. Some teachers, while waiting for approval to teach, gain work in our childcare centres.

What is the teaching sector in Australia like at the moment?

Is there a demand for teachers from overseas?

There is always a demand for casual and supply teachers in Australia. Especially in schools in Sydney.

What sort of jobs are there within the teaching sector?

Primary, secondary and special needs, childcare, before and after school care, and vacation care are the main areas we look after within the education sector.

What are the rates of pay? And what are the variables?

Teachers can earn from $220 plus per day (depending on experience). Childcare workers can expect to earn between $15- $30 per hour.

When recruiting for teachers, what personal traits are you looking for?

They should be flexible and willing to teach a variety of year groups and subject areas. In Sydney we place teachers across a wide band of suburbs, so teachers should be prepared to travel. As well as being flexible, a teacher should also be prepared with their own resources and lesson plans, as work is not always set.

What are the benefits of teaching in Oz?

As in any career, any experience gained is always an advantage. By working in Australia you are able to gain real-life experience, first-hand accounts and a variety of leadership/best practice ideas and approaches. As Australia does not have a national curriculum, you also gain experience delivering a broad spectrum of subjects. Select Education is a free service for teachers and child carers. We are a global organisation with eight offices across Australasia. We offer day-to-day casual and long-term contact positions along with flexible working hours.

Is sponsorship possible?

Sponsorship is a possibility, however, it is up to individual schools. Generally teachers who are sponsored are teachers who are in either hard-to-fill positions, specialised roles, or after-teaching at the school for an extended period of time.

Do you offer any training or courses?

No, but if teachers are on long-term contracts or in permanent positions they are included in the Schools Professional Development Programs.

Thanks to Louise White at Select Education, For more information www.selecteducation.com.au


An Interview With A Teacher

24, from Scotland

What made you decide to teach in Australia?
I have always wanted to broaden my experiences across different countries
and nationalities.

How did you land your job?
Through the assistance of Select Education. I registered as a supply teacher. It’s great – they ring daily to offer work.

And what exactly is it that you do now?
I’m a primary teaching in a variety of schools across Sydney.

How does teaching in Australia compare to teaching in the UK?
The curriculum is quite similar so it has been easy to adapt. Australian schools include a lot more sport than what us Scots do! Each school I have taught in so far has been very multicultural and it has been great to seeall backgrounds and religions are included in the daily teachings.

How long do you plan to teach in Australia for?
I have been teaching for the past five months, which has been great. I have one month left to go as I’m on a Working Holiday Visa.

Where have you worked so far?
Over the last five months, I’m pretty sure I have covered every school in Sydney, especially the western suburbs. During term breaks I have worked in Child Care & Vacation Care, which was a lot of fun. I will now travel for the next couple of weeks before I head back home to Scotland.

Want to share you best teaching experience?
Being made to feel so welcome in the school I was teaching in, being introduced by the principal to all the teaching staff and students. Having the students beg for you to come back the next day, because to them, you’re the best teacher.

Do you have bad days?
Every day is different and can present its challenges, but being able to adapt and think on your feet and get through the day isall you can do – it’s just for one day after all.

What advice do you have for other teachers?
Be optimistic; make sure you have resources ready to go to build an emergency teaching folder. Keep positive, every day is a new day, and register with Select Education. They are fantastic.

Why would you recommend your job to others?
There is always something new and challenging, you meet new people with different backgrounds, and you can travel the world withteaching qualifications. You impart knowledge and make a difference to young people’s lives.