According to a poll from sunshine, most of you leave your bag unpacked for, well … a while. In fact, one in 10 of you leave your dirty undies at the bottom of the bag for a month or more. Yuk.

Asked, ‘When you arrived at your holiday destination, did you unpack or did you live out of your suitcase?’ nearly two thirds admitted to living out of their suitcase while getting on for a quarter unpacked some items and left some in their bag.

And when you get back home?. Only 13% of the people polled said they’d unpacked on the first day home. As we said, one in 10 didn’t properly unpack things (apart from everyday essentials) for a month or longer.

The majority (42%) said they unpacked the day after they returned home from their holiday. The poll also revealed that one in five people put their bags back in the attic with items still inside. Mostly:

1. Travel plugs

2. Swimwear

3. Sun cream

4. Beach/pool paraphernalia 

5. Hats

But not, we’re pleased to note, your dirty knickers.