The World Cup’s around the corner, so it’s a safe bet that there will be a few sore heads and bleary eyes rolling up for work during June and July. So much so that alcohol charity Drinkaware are offering advice to employers on how to manage hungover workers.
According to a new Drinkaware study, more than 520,000 people in Great Britain go to work with a hangover each day. It’s nice to be part of something.

Other findings show the average person goes to work suffering from the effects of too much alcohol three times a month and of those who are hungover, almost one in five admit struggling to keep on top of their workload and to making mistakes (17 per cent). In addition, nearly one in 10 (7 per cent) people with a hangover have had to leave work early because they were too poorly to carry on.

Chris Sorek, CEO of Drinkaware, says, “Having a hangover at work doesn’t just affect the person who has drunk to excess. With hundreds of thousands of people going to work every day after a heavy night, it impacts work productivity and even results in employees going home sick.”

He sounds like a bit of a wowser, doesn’t he? It’s just a hangover. Get over it.