A new online platform, Meet & Jam, will connect musicians at seven simultaneous ‘jam nights’ across England on Friday 6th February, with one being held in Hoxton Square. These will give groups the opportunity to find new members while individuals can get together to form brand new bands.

Popular venues in Bath, Birmingham, Bristol, Guildford, Leeds, London and Newcastle will host the events, and they’ll be absolutely free to attend for musicians and fans alike.

Each jam night will have a simple but effective set up, including one house band, a set list of well-known tunes and the opportunity for musicians to join in. Whether you want to sing your heart out on “Sweet Home Alabama” or show your guitar skills in “Paradise City”, the stage is open to anyone who can find their way round a melody and isn’t totally tone deaf.

Those performing at the London event will also have the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of A&R scouts from Island Records. So it really could land you the real deal you’ve been dreaming of.
Meet & Jam has become a networking hotbed for musicians both amateur and pro alike, who communicate via the website’s profiles, classifieds and search functions. If you need more practice before taking part, then think about booking one of their 150 UK studios and rehearsal spaces.
Some of the best bands of all time found their missing members through ‘musician wanted ads’ – KISS via Village Voice, Suede via NME and Duran Duran through Melody Maker. If you want to connect not solely via the Internet but also in the real world, then head to one of these events. Even if you don’t find the Ozzy Osbourne you’re looking for, they’re bound to be a blast!
Find out more by visiting meetandjam.com or just head to one of the jam nights listed below.
All events Friday 6th February 2015
Entry to all events is FREE
Doors: 7:00pm

Zigfrid Von Underbelly, 11 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU

The Nest, Bladud Buildings, Bath BA1 5LS
The Flapper, Birmingham B1 2NU

The Birdcage, 28 Clare Street, Bristol BS1 1YE

Bar Mambo, Corner House, Ounslow Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4SQ
The Fox & Newt, 9 Burley Street, LS3 1LD Leeds

Bar Loco, 22 Leazes Park Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PG