Kelly book stripped off for PETA, posing naked in body paint to make a statement against using snakeskin in fashion. Timely, given that London Fashion Week begins today and animal skins and fur feature heavily in some designers' collections.

The poster for animal rights’ group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shows Brook lying naked painted to look like a snake. The headline reads: ‘Whose skin are you in?’

PETA’s campaign was launched to coincide with the launch of London Fashion Week, at which many designers will showcase collection that use animal fur and skin.

Brook said: "It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts.

"Our message is to support the designers who are creative without being destructive."

The model was photographed for the campaign by rock star Bryan Adams.

Snakes killes for the fashion industry

This month, PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews wrote to Victoria Beckham begging her to take a stand on the use of animal skins in fashion.

The letter described how farmed reptiles are beaten over the head before being skinned alive. Snakes are either nailed to trees or poles by their heads or have water forced down their throats to loosen their skin before they, too, are skinned alive.

Although Beckham has stated that her bags adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), this does not protect animals from being killed in brutal ways.

In another PETA campaign, actor Joaquin Phoenix narrates an undercover video which shows the horrors of how snakes and lizards are killed for use in fashion.


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What do you think – is the use of animal skin or fur in fashion acceptable?