The US pastor who called for the Koran to be burned on the
anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks earlier this year has been
dis-invited from speaking at a far right rally.
Pastor Terry Jones was originally invited by the English Defence
League to speak about “the evils of Islam” in Luton next February.
But after conducting more research on Jones the EDL effectively
dis-invited him from speaking when they discovered he holds “homophobic
and racist views”, The Guardian reports.
“The EDL can confirm that Pastor Jones will not be attending the
English Defence League demonstration against sharia in Luton on 5
February,” a statement on the EDL’s website read.
U.S. priest threatens to burn the Koran
Koran burning will go ahead says priest
The news comes as Home Secretary Theresa May faces calls from anti-racist groups to ban Jones from entering the the UK.
Jones sparked widespread controversy when he announced plans by his
Florida-based church to burn copies of the Qur’an to commemorate the
9/11 attacks.
He claimed that Jesus would have approved of his plans to burn the Koran but the book burning event ultimately did not go ahead.
Yesterday Jones countered calls for his banning from the UK by saying he would be bring a ”positive message”.
He plans to visit the UK in February despite the EDL’s rebuff.