In the wake of the Japan earthquake and tsunami even dogs are looking out for one another at a time of need.

In a video captured by a Janese film crew, a dirty brown and white spaniel barks at the crew before sniffing around and guiding them to his area of shelter, a metal drum.

Only halfway through the video does the crew realise there is another dog, who the spaniel has been minding.

The injured dog wakes up  revealing the bond between the two K9s – the spaniel reaches a paw over to hug his ill

was filmed barking at them before returning to another lighter-coloured
dog that was lying motionless amidst a tsunami-ravaged landscape.

According to the translation posted by the website Life With Dogs on YouTube, the men filming this scene say to each other:


are in Arahama area. Looks like there is a dog. There is a dog. He
looks tired and dirty. He must have been caught in the tsunami. He
looks very dirty.

He has a collar. He must be someone’s pet. He has a silver collar. He is shaking. He seems very afraid.

Oh, there is another dog. I wonder if he is dead.


Right there. There is another dog right next to the one sitting down. He is not moving. I wonder. I wonder if he is alright.

The dog is protecting him.

Yes. He is protecting the dog. That is why he did not want us to approach them. He was trying to keep us at bay.

I can’t watch this. This is a very difficult to watch.

Oh. Look. He is moving. He is alive. I am so happy to see that he is alive.

Yes! Yes! He is alive.

He looks to be weakened. We need to them to be rescued soon. We really want them rescued soon.

Oh good. He’s getting up.

It is amazing how they survived the tremendous earthquake and tsunami. It’s just amazing that they survived through this all.” 

 News outlets have since reported the injured dog has been treated by a vet
in Mito while the spaniel is at a shelter in the same town.