The Unite union turned down an offer of £850 that was made for station, maintenance, service control staff and operational managers at London Underground to work flexibly over the 2012 Games.

Unite said it had rejected the Olympic pay deal on the grounds that it demanded “unlimited flexibility” for an indefinite period after the Games.

But London Underground countered that it had been “absolutely clear” in defining flexibility.

Unite’s regional officer John Morgan-Evans explained: “Unite was prepared to accept the deal, but the strings attached are totally unacceptable.

“It would be irresponsible to accept this deal as it would put our members’ health and safety at risk.”

He added: “Our members have been asked to agree to limitless changes to hours and place of work at short notice, not only during the Games but for an undefined and potentially indefinite period after the Games are over.”

Phil Hufton, London Underground’s Asset Performance Director, clarified what London Underground had offered.

“We have put forward an offer which would see … staff receive up to £850 for working flexibly during the 2012 London Games, subject to attendance, customer satisfaction scores and agreement from operational staff to work flexibly in order to deliver a successful Games.”

Hufton added: “We are disappointed that Unite’s leadership has misunderstood our offer, but we are of course happy to clarify this at any time.”

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